Facilitator role

The Bank has been assigned the nodal agency role by the Government of India for implementing various Government subsidy schemes viz CLCSS, TUFS, IDLSS, FPTUFS and TEQUP.

Operations during FY 2020

Subsidy of ₹60.90 crore released to 691 MSMEs

Cumulatively, facilitated the release of subsidy to the tune of ₹3,427.08 crore, to 40,692 MSMEs

Under TUFS, 212 subsidy claims amounting to ₹2.78 crore released for SIDBI’s directly assisted units and 489 subsidy claims aggregating to ₹3.68 crore in respect of co-opted PLIs

Under TEQUP, 691 claims aggregating ₹54.44 crore were released. The TEQUP scheme has since been subsumed by CLCS-TUS

Under MSE-CDP, 60 proposals of CFC and industrial Infrastructure appraised by the Bank were cleared by NLSC. 12 proposals forwarded to NLSC for approval

Ministry of MSME announced the continuation of the CLCSS component under a recently formulated CLCS-TUS scheme, for 3 years from 2017-18 to 2019-20

Interest Subvention Scheme (ISS) for Incremental Credit to
MSMEs – 2018

  • Nodal implementation agency for “Interest Subvention Scheme for Incremental Credit to MSMEs 2018”
  • As on March 31, 2020, out of ₹ 625 crore received from MoMSME, GoI, settled the claims to the tune of ₹604.69 crore, pertaining to 59 eligible institutions
  • 9.58 lakh MSMEs have benefited under the scheme

Partial Credit Guarantee Scheme

  • Guarantee offered by GoI to PSBs for purchase of highly rated pools of NBFCs/HFCs
  • The Bank has been delegated the work of evaluation of proposals and keeping records of transactions, and determination of guarantee headroom, examination of claims and monitoring of recoveries

MSME Saksham

  • Joint credit awareness initiative of SIDBI & TransUnion CIBIL to enable the MSMEs to be loan-ready
  • Digital multi-channel content portal having various touchpoints for educating, interacting and engaging with MSMEs
  • Enables access to CIBIL rank and credit report
  • Portal launched on July 30, 2020