Sr. No. Report Name Download
16 SIDBI Report on MSMEs 2011
17 Study on designing new Risk Sharing Facility (RSF) Product and suitable corporate structure
18 Study on Factoring - Policy Paper series 2010
19 Technology Vision for Indian MSMEs 2020 (August 2011)
20 The Advantages of Adaption: Big Opportunities for Small Business - Climate Change Adaption Innovation Opportunities for Indian Micro, Small & Medium Sized Business (MSMEs)
21 Energy Conservation Measures in the fruit and vegetable processing- sector
22 Energy Conservation Measures in the Engineering Sector
23 Energy-Conservation-Measures-in-the-Foundry-Sector
24 Energy Efficiency in MSME Sector - Key to be competitive
25 Study on Skill Development in MSME Sector - Report on Finding from Skill Development Survey in MSME Clusters
26 Study on Skill Development in the MSME Sector (Volume 2) - Policy Paper Series 2012
27 Study on Skill Gap Mapping, Training Modules, Implementation Framework and Knowledge Transfer Mechanism , 2. Policy Framework and Training Evaluation Framework, 3. Sample Review and Evaluation of Training Programme
28 Implementing Business Development Services in Ahmedabad Dyes & Chemicals Cluster
29 Implementing Business Development Services in Kolkata Leather Cluster
30 Implementing Business Development Services in Chennai Leather Cluster