
Request for Proposals

Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) is implementing a project supported by UKAid through Department For International Development (DFID) namely “Poorest States Inclusive Growth Programme (PSIG)”. SIDBI invites 4 separate RFPs for short listing of Consultants for carrying out the following activities under PSIG.

Pre-proposal meeting will not be convened for all 4 RFPs. Responses with respect to clarifications sought by the bidders, will be uploaded on the SIDBI website. Further any communication about these RFPs will be uploaded in SIDBI website".

Proposal submission date has been extended to May 23, 2014 (17:30 Hrs.) for following RFPs. Request you to refer attached revised key dates (attached file Extension of bid submission_LRH_LPC_&_Techno Advisory.doc)

RFP 1: For hiring of Local Project Coordinator (LPC) for coordinating conduct of Finscope Survey in four states in India (Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar). ( Tender No : SIDBI/PSIG/04- 14/05)

RFP 2: For hiring of Local Research House(s) (LRH) for conducting ‘FinScope Survey’ in four states in India (Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar). ( Tender No : SIDBI/PSIG/04- 14/06)

RFP 4: For Providing Technical Advisory Support to Partners in PSIG Techno-Inclusion Fund. (Tender No : SIDBI/PSIG/04- 14/08)

Opening of financial proposals date has been extended for hiring of Local Research House for 'Conducting Finscope Survey' and Technical Advisory Support to Partners in PSIG RFPs.



