
Structural Interventions

Udyam Abhilasha

What we aim

  1. Transforming 115 aspirational districts across 28 states that have witnessed the least progress in terms of certain development parameters
  2. Provide orientation to youth about various dimensions of entrepreneurship
  3. Train 13,800 youth for providing a life of dignity by having a source of livelihood
  4. Expecting at least 20% of the youth to be able to start their own enterprise
  5. Expecting around 10 % participants i.e. 1150 new logins to be made on udyamimitra for availing MUDRA loan

How we have gone about it…..

  1. Trained 18000 youths from 115 aspirational districts
  2. Offered 15 hours of intensive input to the participants spread over 5 days
  3. Engaged Banks, NABARD, NBFCs, SFBs, DICs, State Govt. and District Administration etc. ensuring multifield impact
  4. CSC Village Level entrepreneurs (VLEs) played role of catalyst for these aspiring entrepreneurs
  5. Provide handholding support to the aspirants to establish new units includes assisting them in availing loans for their enterprise
  6. A certificate is issued to participants who have attended all 5 days session

Impact created……..

  1. 34% female participants
  2. 68% candidates in age-group of 20-30 years; 28% candidates in age-group of 31-40 years
  3. 45% participants belonged to Other Backward Class (OBC) category, 14% participants to Scheduled Tribe (ST) and 13% to Scheduled Caste (SC)
  4. About 34% participants were willing to spend less than `10,000 whereas 25% percent were willing to spend more than `50, 000 as their own investment for setting up their enterprise