Fund of Funds (FoF) Operations

The Bank has been running FoF operations, viz. All India Funds, Regional Funds, MSME-RCF, India Aspiration Fund, Fund of Funds for Startups and ASPIRE Fund through which contributions are made to Alternative Investment Funds for investments in companies viz. Seed, Series "A", Early Stage, etc.

A snapshot of VCF operations

Corpus ₹2,000 crore

Investe in 26 AIFs

₹936.47 crore

₹523.95 crore

Corpus ₹10,000 crore

Invested in 40 AIFs

₹2,265.7 crore

₹431.84 crore

Corpus ₹310 crore

Invested in 5 AIFs

₹47.50 crore

₹18.86 crore

As on March 31, 2019, the three Funds had aggregate commitment of ₹3,250 crore to 71 AIFs.

Investments by AIFs in MSMEs/Startups

AIFs invested ₹17,039 crore in 1,306 MSMEs/ Startups/ Growth companies

1,045 entities

with assistance of

8,976 crore

Revamping strategies adopted

  • Aligning FoF operations with DPIIT objectives by adopting best global practices
  • Emphasis on due diligence and rating tool
  • Increased involvement of Venture Capital Investment Committee Members in the entire process

Investments by AIFs in MSMEs/Startups

AIFs invested ₹17,039 crore in 1,306 MSMEs/ Startups/ Growth companies

261 entities

with assistance of

8,063 crore

Investors' Day

  • Match-making sessions for startups & investors to be organized by the Bank on ongoing basis
  • First session organised on the Bank Foundation Day i.e. April 02, 2019